#22 Primary Water and Iranian Missiles

Stay up to date at https://h0mage.com/ - funky weather - Weather Channel is Rothschild owned - chemtrails - geoengineering - weather manipulation - cloud seeding - Fly Geyser - the water cycle - Primary Water - hot springs - oil is not made from dinosaur bones - scarcity drives the market - free energy - alternative news is harder to find - censorship - assassination of General Solameini - war with Iran - Iranian missile attack on US bases in Iraq - Ukranian jet shot down - 9/11 - bootlickers - bird drones - Osama Bin Laden - CIA asset Tim Osman - Bin Laden family loaned George Bush $1,000,000 to start oil company - Invasion of Iraq - white phosphorous bombs - depleted - uranium - birth defects - nuclear weapons - War on Terror - opium crisis - military industrial complex - computers - Elon Musk - Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook - DARPA - data collection - 1893 World's Fair in Chicago - George Ferris - Ferris Wheel - one legged lady is mean to me Primary Water Institute - http://www.primarywaterinstitute.org/index.html Ferris Wheel at 1893 World's Fair - http://www.hydeparkhistory.org/2015/04/27/ferris-wheel-in-the-1893-chicago-worlds-fair/

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